Thursday 31 March 2016

The dinosaurs N6

El grup de N6 de Parets ha fet per grups un dinosaure inventat per tal de practicar els temps verbals en passat.

Ara crearem el nostre propi dinosaure!

Aqui teniu les creacions pròpies dels nostres alumnes!

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Story time in April

Ja hem tornat de les vacances i comencem amb energia!
Aquest proper dimarts 5 d'abril tenim un altre conte en anglès a Parets, aquest el coneixeu... són els tres porquets, veniu a escoltar-lo en anglès! us hi esperem!

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Easter Egg Race

Els nostres alumnes dels dilluns i dimecres han estat fent un joc molt divertit per començar a preparar-nos per setmana santa!

Que tingueu una bona setmana santa!

Monday 14 March 2016

Quiz Night in Parets

El passat divendres vam fer el segon Quiz a Parets, aquí teniu les fotos.

Guanyadors del Premi!

Thursday 3 March 2016

Meet the teachers... Nick!

I´m from Bournemouth on the south coast of England. It´s a big town with a very long beach. Quite similar to Barcelona but not as hot!
I´ve been working for Cambridge School since I arrived in Barcelona. I arrived in January 2015 and worked at the Granollers school before I came to Parets in September.
Before I came to Barcelona, I worked in London as a Marketing manager for an American company. I loved living in London but I wanted to see more of the world. I was offered a job teaching English in Barcelona and didn´t hesitate to take it. Before I lived in London I was a student in Bristol studying History. I wrote my dissertation on the Spanish Civil War.
I love working here in Parets. The people here are so friendly and everybody knows everybody.
It´s such a nice atmosphere.

I´m a big music nerd. I used to DJ when I was younger and I still collect records now. When I´m not working I spend most of my time going to music events, visiting galleries and exhibitions and going to the beach! I love swimming in the sea and I´m looking forward to the summer when I can spend my weekends at the beautiful beaches we have in Catalunya.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Quiz Night in Parets!

Divendres 11 de Març fem el nostre segon Quiz Night. Animeu-vos i veniu! Quants més serem més riurem! Us esperem al Bar Pase a les 21h.