Thursday 21 February 2019

Race to the Pole

Vickys N6 group took a very cold trip to Antartica today in their English class. They were studying a story about glaciers and they had to read and act out the characters in the South Pole who met a group of Explorers and went camping with them. 

Friday 8 February 2019

Mid course exams a Cambridge School Parets

Alumnes de First durant l'examen de listening

Un altre grup de First fent el writing

Alumnes de Tpet concentrats en la part de Grammar & Vocabulary

Grup d'adults d'intermig 2

Listening a les aules de Pre-first

També els nostres alumnes de T4 s'examinen

Grup de T3 molt concentrat

Díficil examen de nivell Avanced

úlltim esforç a Pre-advanced

Friday 1 February 2019

Making past tense sentences

T3's playing a board game to practise the past tense.

Students have to correctly form a sentence.

A fun way to make sentences.