Saturday 28 April 2018

Els nostres nois i noies de N3 practicant les preposicions amb un divertit joc.

 We have been learning and practising prepositions in    our N3 class, including, IN, ON, UNDER, BETWEEN,    IN FRONT OF. Here the class show some of what they have learnt with the preposition flashcards.
Isis is IN FRONT OF Daniela

Isis and Adrian are UNDER the chairs

The whole class is IN the classroom

Carla, Nerea and Daniela are ON their chairs

Pau is standing ON his folder

Pau, Roger and Adrian are BEHIND the chairs

Pau, Adrian, Roger and Daniela are 
IN FRONT OF the white board

Isis is BETWEEN the chairs

Adrian, Pau and Roger are ON their folders

Thursday 12 April 2018

Tips for Surviving in the Forest by TPFCE students.

Tips for Surviving in the Forest

by Queralt, Raquel and Claudia

If you are going to the forest and need to survive, you should follow the tips bellow.

What to take:

1) You should bring a torch so you can see at night.
2) You need a knife or axe for cuttingh small branches or sticks and you also can use a knife to hunt animals to eat.
3) You need a bag to put all things because you can't carry everything with your hands

What to do First:

1) Pitch your tent on the floor and in a high place to protect from insects and rain.
2) If you only have dirty water, you must clean it before you can drink it. First, put the water in a bowl. Then, cover it with plastic at an angle. The sun will evaporate the water and then you can drink it.

What to do Later:

1) To protect and repel insects you can crush pine needles.You can rub the pine needles oin on your body and use it like insect repellent.

2) You can use a drink can tab to make a fish hook. To make it, you need to separate the drink can tab from de can. Then, you need to break open the drink can tab. Next, sharpen the fish hook with a stone. Finally, tie string to the drink can tab.


Island survival guide by TPFCE students

Dissenyat per alumnes de PFCE

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Una altra alumna que ha aconseguit el First. Well done, Irene!!

Quan ja estàs preparat i el professor t'ho recomana,  hi ha quatre possibles dates per apuntar-te als Exàmens Oficials: març, juny, juliol i desembre.

La Irene i la Lee a l'entrada de l'Escola.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Easter Crafts

Aprofitem l' últim dia de classe abans de Setmana Santa per divertir-nos fent manualitats.

N2 with Lucy

Infants with Shona

N2 with Lucy

Infants with Shona

David Gámez - First Certicate Diploma

En David està molt orgullòs del seu títol de First. Després d'un curs intensiu aquí a l'escola de Parets i un curs espeficit de preparació d'exàmen ha conseguit el que es va proposar. Moltes Felicitats!!